9 things I am thankful for from 2019

2019 has been a year with many twists and turns for our family. Has it been the same for you or just us?

“And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

As we finish 2019 and walk into 2020 tomorrow, I just wanted to take a few moments to reflect on the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord which is unchanging. Circumstances, communities, friends, jobs, homes, schools, countries you reside in, cars, may all change, but God is unchanging and for this reality, I am so grateful!

Here are 9 things I am so thankful for from 2019:

  • God. He is the one true and steady person in our lives and I am so thankful that He saved me and daily seeks a relationship with me/the world.

  • My family and our health. I am so grateful that we are all healthy and I know this is not something to be taken for granted.

  • My marriage. My husband and I had the opportunity to attend a Nothing Hidden marriage conference this summer in Redding, California and it was an amazing time to refocus our marriage. We are coming up on 18 years of marriage next month and I can honestly say that Chris is the best husband and friend in the world for me. I am so grateful to do life with him all of these years and look forward to many more together. Our marriage is thriving. I encourage everyone who is married, don’t wait for a huge crisis to attend a marriage conference…we ALL need a tune up now and then. I have been wanting to attend a marriage conference since we got married (I am a bit of a conference junkie) and this conference exceeded all of my expectations! What a gift!

  • My kids are thriving in school and I could not be more proud. As a homeschool mom of many years there were definitely seasons where I knew their schooling was lacking, but God promised me that as I was faithful in trying, HE would fill in my gaps. I love seeing my kids doing well, not just academically, but watching them make quality friendships and connections with their peers and teachers brings me tremendous joy.

  • Beginning The Journey Home Ministries. Working alongside of my husband in new endeavors is where I personally thrive, so it has been an unexpected blessing of this year.

  • Friendships. We have some friends who have been walking with us for 20+ years. These friendships have been a lifeline through different seasons and I am so eternally grateful. We also have made new friends this year which is always a beautiful gift…I always figure the more friends in life, the merrier. Our hearts just keep growing to include new people, I guess that has been a huge perk of our many moves in life.

  • I got to meet and talk with 3 of my most favorite authors and speakers. This was literally something only God could have orchestrated for me (trust me, I tried by myself to meet these people and failed) and each meeting was incredibly significant to my heart.

  • God’s faithfulness in providing for our family. My husband and I have worked in full-time ministry since the beginning of our marriage and we have raised our own financial support for the past 10 years. 10 years! We have had some hard times and we have also had times of abundance, but overall we are literally AMAZED by God providing through our faithful financial partners. God is so good and way more generous than I could ever have imagined.

  • Fun trips. We got to visit our family/friends this summer for several weeks and drove from one side of the US to the other! We are so grateful for our wonderful family and friends who show us endless hospitality and love. We are so blessed.


Happy New Year to all of our readers and friends! I can’t wait to see what 2020 brings!

Christopher Ho