We’re excited to meet you!
Hello there! Allow us to introduce ourselves. We are Chris and Eunice Ho - a husband and wife team and parents to five amazing kids. We have been married for over twenty-three years and have been in various forms of ministry for all of those years.
We can remember starting out in ministry not so long ago. Young, idealistic, full of energy and faith, we put our hands to the plow and set our hearts to love God, love people, and change the world! We didn’t have much experience or wisdom, but we had plenty of passion and our God-given talents and gifts. We served for seven years in our amazing local church and then the next ten years with an organization specializing in overseas cross-cultural ministry, during which we spent a season living in the Middle East. We are currently on staff with a local church in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA.
When you’re in full-time ministry for almost twenty years, you see a lot of things. We crossed paths with so many incredible, gifted people who had a sincere desire to help others and glorify God. Yet we saw those same people at times struggle to reconcile their faith with their doubts, questions, past experiences, disappointing circumstances, or pain. With others, we saw a major lack of self-awareness and blind spots that affected the way they led, influenced, and impacted others. (We also saw all of these things in ourselves!) Some of these people would eventually figure things out, but others were left feeling confused, alone, and discouraged. At times, the inability to navigate these types of issues led to a significant shift or even departure from their faith.
We believe that faith and struggle do not contradict each other. In fact, struggles are meant to take us to heights and depths in our faith that would be impossible to attain otherwise.
We started The Journey Home Ministries because we believe that everyone, whether they realize it or not, is trying to find their way back "home". We search for it in every place imaginable, but at the end of the day, the home we are looking for is not so much a place as it is a person - our heavenly Father. Yet in our modern world, home – and the love, connection, and security that comes with it – feels more elusive and distant than ever. Many feel alone, lost, or stuck and don’t know where to turn for help.
We want to be a friend and resource to anyone - with a particular focus on leaders and overseas cross-cultural workers – who needs help in their journey, and offer guidance and tools to help people overcome whatever obstacles are standing in the way of them experiencing the health, freedom, and fullness of all that God has for them.
Meet the Team
Chris Ho
Chris was born in Staten Island, NY and grew up in New York City. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Bowdoin College (Brunswick, ME) and his Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary (Princeton, NJ). After graduating from seminary, Chris served as a local church pastor in Central New Jersey for seven years before joining the leadership team of an organization specializing in overseas cross-cultural ministry. During his ten years with them, he served both at the headquarters in Colorado Springs, and in the Middle East with his family for three and a half years.
In 2019, Chris and his wife Eunice created The Journey Home Ministries to serve, coach, and mentor the next generation. They are passionate about seeing godly, healthy, and resilient leaders raised up for the harvest fields. They currently reside in Southeastern Pennsylvania serving on staff at Grace Covenant Church.
Eunice Ho
Eunice was born in Philadelphia, PA and grew up in Pennsylvania. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Social Work from Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ). Upon graduation, she worked as an advocate for foster children and as an intern at her church. After giving birth to their first child, Eunice decided to become a stay-at-home mom. Since then, she has juggled multiple roles such as pastor’s wife and homeschool mom, all while managing to stay actively involved in ministry.
Five Random Things About Us
Get to know us! These are some fun facts about us, in no particular order:
Enneagrams, of course!
For any Enneagram enthusiasts, Chris is a Type Nine (Peacemaker) Wing One (Reformer) and Eunice is a Type One (Reformer) Wing Two (Helper). Chris keeps the peace in our lives and home, while Eunice is often on one mini crusade after another to improve the world.
Our favorite things
To relax and unwind, Chris loves watching movies, baseball, and basketball (he is a long-suffering Mets and Knicks fan), while Eunice loves having coffee with friends and browsing Hobby Lobby, Home Goods, or Target.
We both love hosting small groups in our home and enjoy creating spaces for people to connect.
Popcorn, Please!
Chris’ favorite movies are epic sagas like The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Eunice prefers romantic comedies like My Big Fat Greek Wedding and You’ve Got Mail. They both enjoy action movies like The Bourne and Mission Impossible films. The kids love going to the movies as well and you’ll always find us in the theaters for the latest Marvel or Star Wars release with tons of buttered popcorn.
We have never taken the kids to Disneyland, but we have been blessed to travel as a family to the Middle East, Greece, Italy, and Thailand.
I can't say enough good things about Chris and Eunice! Their presence and influence in my life has been much more impactful than they can ever know. I've been led, mentored, and taught by them for about six years now in various ways. I've learned from them through many different aspects including their Biblical teaching, pastoral care, marriage counseling, mentoring, and friendship. They are a couple that make people feel safe while also giving them a chance to grow. They cultivate freedom and health in an environment of grace and truth. It's easy to see their heart and passion for people's health (in every sense) and growth. So thankful to have learned so much from them both.